Saturday, February 13, 2010


Its been a long time
Since i updated this blog.

But i wont make this blog dead.

You can go to my tumblr at

Ok. peeps.

posted by Muzaffar @ 13.2.10 |Post a Comment| 2 comments|

Saturday, January 2, 2010


1 more day and school will reopen. Who never do homework? Raise up your hands. Woohoo. Lets stayback at detention on the first day to finish up together. Who is with me?

I super lazy to go school. Have to sleep early. Have to wake up early. Lets extend the holidays. Who want to go riot in front of the Ministry Of Education building? Who is with me? Lets make history. Got hock lee bus riots, got anti- national service riots. Now got extend holidays riots. Yeah. Who want to appear in history textbooks in the future? Just kidding.

Anyways, just cut my hair. And you are right. I cut botak. So yeah. Haha

Idk why, but i cant wait for school to reopen. Nak main soccer. Leg itchy. And and and. To Sec 3E malay students, cikgu kita cikgu Huzaimah. Tak percaye tanya ainul. OMG. Boring kan. So yeah.

Ok. I am super bored. Tired? Not so la. 2 hours of sleep per day is enough for me. Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm. I am playing tic-tac-toe with myself. Wait wait wait. I know. I will mess up my room and clean it up. Ok. Thats stupid.

I think i will go now. Ok. Bye.


posted by Muzaffar @ 2.1.10 |Post a Comment| 1 comments|

Friday, January 1, 2010


Its already 2010. You know what it means? It means that those guys who are going to turn fifteen before August have to do pull ups for napfa. Thats true. Muhaimin. Birthday April kan? Ambik kau. 7 pull ups to pass your napfa. Thats right. Just kidding. But seriously.

Anyways, how cepat the clock rotate. It feels that it was just last year i was in sec 2. Now. I am in Secondary 3. You know what it means? It means that, we have to fold our pants when playing bola sepak. Super panas. So yeah. I rather wear short pants. More comfy. But wearing long pants means that we are matured. So yeah.

Anyways, Aqil ajak pergi skola sama2 on the first day of school. He say ajak ramai2. Macam nk serang that school. I just plan to be late on the first day. Spoil ah budak nie. Tapi tkpe. I will go. Untuk kawan. Kerana, Rasullulah bersabda ______

So yeah, you guys fill the blanks. For non-muslims. No need. You all dont even understand. So yeah.

And min, aku bawak guitar on the first day. Kau bawak tak? And min first day of school jalan pergi skola sama2 ah. Kau nk ajak inaa pon boleh. Jumpa pat lakeside MRT at 7.10 am. Be there. Apa2. Taruk pat tagboard. Pasal aku sekarang online malam. Around 11am to 7 am. So yeah. Phone aku gila. Super Gila. Tapi kalau kau nak call. Try ah. So yeah. Or how about aku leave kau an offline message in msn? Bodoh punya muz. Ok min.

Ok people. Thats all folks. Tune in next time for more...for more...ermm...more....more...more words thats comes out from my keyboard to your screen...ok. Does that even make sense? Yes it does. Ok. We will all do haka in Mr Yap office. Ok weird humans. Its time for me to stop making words. Ok. Thats another words. Ohh. And another...another..another..another. OK stop. Why cant my keyboard stop producing words? OK. This will be my last word.

Bye people.
Prick. Gone

posted by Muzaffar @ 1.1.10 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Monday, December 21, 2009


i got nothing to post here. i dont have much time. i wish i can finish what i started in 2009 before 2010 begins. i heard a song. this song is a shout out to everyone who thinks that there is no path for you to follow. the song is from the movie "Spirit: Stallion of the cimmaron". The title of the song is "Sound of the bugle - Bryan Adams". Hear the song and think.

Bryan Adams - Sound The Bugle

Sound the bugle now... play it just for me
As the seasons change... remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on...I can't even start
I've got nothing left... just an empty heart.

I'm a soldier... wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me... lead me away
Or leave me lying here

Sound the bugle now... tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know that leads to anywhere
Without a light, I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down and decide not to go on

Then from on high, somewhere in the distance There's a voice that calls,
"Remember who you are... if you lose yourself,
Your courage soon will follow,
So be strong tonight... remember who you are"

Yeah, your a soldier now,
Fighting in a battle,
To be free once more.
Yeah, that's worth fighting for

posted by Muzaffar @ 21.12.09 |Post a Comment| 1 comments|

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15 2009

I've let her down. I've let her down so badly. I dont know what else can i do to make her forgive me. I made her so dissapointed. So dissapointed. I realise that i have misjudge things. Misjudge things so badly. I am ready to take the consequence. If i am brave enough to do a mistake, i should be brave enough to face the consequence. I have lost the two girls i love the most in the world. I realise that i am such a selfish person. I am useless. What type of guy i am? I am a guy with no balls. I never think of people around me. I always think for myself. Why do i have to be this way. I know people say that i have change. No one understands me. Even i dont understand myself. I lost everything. I am no longer the muzaffar you all knew. Idk if you all realise. Ever since i saw that p....nvm. Ever since i saw something painful to me, my mind auto change. I dont even know myself anymore. I am sorry people if you think that this post is disturbing. I never felt like this in the month of December. Feel like killing myself. The world would be such a better place.

P.S - Please dont Text or Call my phone.


posted by Muzaffar @ 15.12.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Friday, November 20, 2009


This is probably my last post. Probably Not.

Firstly, i will like you to hear this song, Still breathing - Mayday parade.

I am sick and tired telling people that i am ok.
I am sick and tired telling people that i am tired as a reason when i am moody.
I am sick and tired of pretending that i am happy even i know that i am not.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

i want to make this holiday memorable to everyone.
i want to make you happy.
i want this year to be different for me.

But sometimes things dont happen they way you want it to be.

Anyways, i will like to wish a happy advance birthday to Nicholas Tay Jia Hui. I cannot wish you on the exact day because i have my fitness camp on that day. So I will like to take this time to wish you. Hey brother, 14 years old already la. I am still 13 in the five of us. Yeah. HAPPY 14th birthday brother. Behave ah boy. Brothers for life.

Remember the advice on the post before this.

May/Muzz signing off
GONE probably wont be coming back.


posted by Muzaffar @ 20.11.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Sunday, November 15, 2009


ok. I dont know about the world. But my world has been upside down.

For her,
I want to say this face to face to you. But i just can find the time. Furthermore, i cannot contact you. So here goes. I dont know if you realise or not but we have been so far recently. We are being further from each other everyday. I dont want that. But sometimes things dont happen the way you want them to be. I dont know why i am shivering while i am typing this. I just need two things from you. I need kepastian and confirmation. You know how i feel toward you. I thought i can walk with another pair of footprints beside mine. But like i say. Sometimes things dont happen the way you want them to be. You know that i love you so much. Now the confirmation i want from you is, how you feel towards me. And the kepastian i want from you is the answer to my question that i asked you around 3 weeks ago which we all know what the answer will turn out a ___. I am sure you yourself will know the answer. Its in the alphabets. But no matter what happens, i will always love you.

Ok. To the rest, here is from muzaffar to all of you, treasure the smile you are having because some people out there are dying to find someone, to give him/her that smile.


posted by Muzaffar @ 15.11.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|