Saturday, July 18, 2009


Suspicious article
Jing yu.

Brothers in Bus.

Yuhua Terrorist.

Horny Brothers.

Racist fight. Malay vs Indian.


Get Ready. Doggy Position.


OKok. This were all taken yesterday. (17.07.09). I want to post about yesterday. Today boring la. Yesterday. Went to School. Walk to Masjid Assyakirin. Like last week. On the way there, Yuobari was racist again. (4th picture from the top). Darwis, Syazwan and me was laughing like hell. Back at school. Hafiz and Ainul was sabo-ed. Today was their birthday. Happy birthday my short and tall friends. Slack in school. Did homework. Around 6pm. Went home with muhaimin and Jing yu (2nd Picture). In the bus, we saw a suspicious bag. Terrorist!!! Remember people. If you see any suspicious article, please report to our staff or call 999.

Behave people.


posted by Muzaffar @ 18.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today School Sucks. I say again. SCHOOL SUCKS. I annoyed mrs poh like hell. But i still not happy. I want to annoy her more. Friday friday. Tomorrow no math lesson.
Friday, I make sure i annoy her until she kicks me out of the class. Like that i happy sia. After School, have to go home straight. Parents la. Tsk tsk tsk. They dont understand. Reach home. Nothing to do. I was staring at the wall like the wall staring at me. So i decided to sleep. Ok good people of the universe. I ame ending it here. Ok its ended.

Behave people.


posted by Muzaffar @ 15.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


OK. The picture all $#@#$# right. I know i know. Today a lot of a lot of a lot of things happen. First thing, Napfa. Terok terok. I failed. Results below. After that stay in class. We play guitar. Then, thought Yuobari how to play guitar. After that, MUHAIMIN WENT MISSING!!! Me and Yuobari panic already. I was like....$%#%$#. Called a few people. Called his parents too. From 6.00pm to 8pm, we call and search and call and search. Finally, he come. Lucky his parents at there. Or else, he will get my footprint on his butt. I was angry at him. After the big commotion, me and yuobari went to BubbleTea Shop go buy waffle. Muhaimin explain what happen. So we Understand. Went seperate ways. Me and yuobari. Sam And Ingyin. Muhaimin went home with his parents. So there is a lesson learn from this post.

Napfa Test Results:-
Shuttle Run:9.3 seconds
Sit up:56
Sit and reach:46cm
Standing Broad Jump:222cm
Incline Pull up:36

Failed Like Hell.

Behave People.


posted by Muzaffar @ 14.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Sunday, July 12, 2009


He is missing her while he wants her..

Wake up in th morning, had breakfast. 12.30pm took bus to Jurong West Stadium. Waited for Sam. So slow. Tsk tsk tsk. Went in th gym. Saw my old friend and my cousin. Train on trapezius, biceps, triceps, shoulder, abdomen, oblique, chest and lattismus dorsi. In short, i train my upper body. Went out around 4.o4pm. Suddenly, hafiz say he lost his phone. Ran back to th gym, find his phone. In th end, never found. We sat at th track and field place. Talk-cock. Then started sprinting. Sam time my 100 metre sprint. Guess what?? I ran 14.01 seconds. Actually i can run faster than Usain Bolt. But i give him chance la. Scared he cry. (Macam Paham)?? Walk to the bus-stop. Took 99. Zoom home. Ok people. I penat(tired) and my upper body cramp. So goodbye good boys and girls.

Behave People.


posted by Muzaffar @ 12.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today. Today. Today. Wake up and went to IMM for breakfast. WTH!! Go IMM just for breakfast. Can cook at home right. But its ok. Then went back home. Around 5pm, went out to see fireworks. nice. Unexpectedly, it rains. My family was like kan cheong already but i still can walk while eating curry puff. Ended up wet. After that go inside my dad's car. And went home. OK people.

Behave people.


posted by Muzaffar @ 11.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Friday, July 10, 2009

21 guns lyrics

Read the lyrics while hearing the song.
Its the story of my....

Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Enjoy the song people.


posted by Muzaffar @ 10.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|


Walao. I wasnt ready for that picture. See my face. Like @$#$. Sam is the photographer. So you know la. When Sam hold the camera, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. No la. Jkjk. Ok. A lot of things happen today. I was almost late for school. But didnt. I ran like an @$#. School ended. Me, Yuobari, Syazwan, Darwis and Rahim walked to Masjid Assyakirin for Friday Prayers. Lol-ed like hell on the way that. Yuobari was like being racist to Rahim because he is an indian. I was like laughing till my lungs come out from my nose. After friday prayers, went back to school. At school, went to the school gym. Work on my trapezius and triceps. Work like hell. After that we played soccer. Played like hell. I work and play like HELL. Around 4.30pm, left school. Heading home. Then at bus-stop. Me, Yuobari and Hafiz saw this girl. So we talked. The following conversation happens in malay.

Muzaffar: Yuobari, look at that girl.
Yuobari: Whoa.
Muzaffar: NOnono. Dont board the bus. Alah, she go up.

Then I smile and wave at the girl. And you know what happen?? She smile back. My eyes melt la. I was like melting. Then Yuobari say the girl smile at him because the girl thinks that yuobari is cute. I was like.... Then, board 157 went home. Suddenly got called from my mum. She ask me to fetch my small brother. I was like WTH?!?! I damn tired already. Then i called my mum. I say why can my big brother go take. My mum say he playing soccer with friends. WTH? I was angry sia. But what to do? So alight. Walked to the nearest 99 bus stop. I damn tired already. Somemore my bag damn heavy. For those who got carry before, you all should know. Reach my small bro school. Straight away went home. Thats enough of my tiring, funny, heart-melting day.

I hope to see you again. (The girl at the bus stop)

Behave ah.


posted by Muzaffar @ 10.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ok. Idk what to say. Today, school sucks. Like hell. Stayback at school. Went home at 4.30pm because have to fetch my small brother. After fetching my brother, stayed at home. Play guitar. Play till finger pain. Maybe one day i record one video. Then let you all judge. Ok.enough liao lo.

Behave people.

Pensé que podemos esperar para los fuegos artificiales. Olvidar todo esto. Juzgar quiere hacerle saber que te quiero. Pero...
Sé que esto ocurre un día. A veces, sé que las cosas que usted piensa dont.
Todavía obtuve Reyes degradado conmigo. Hay pintor no saber acerca de mí. Incluso dont Reyes degradado saber.


posted by Muzaffar @ 9.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Flipping through my old album. Me and muhaimin. You can see that almost all my picture have muhaimin in it. Best Brother la. I know him for 12 years. Believe it or not. 12 YEARS. From kindergarten 1. I thought he was lying went he say we dance together during the kindergarten graduation concert. Then i go home and watch back the video. It was real. I was like "whoa". Ok. If i see any old and funny photos. I put it up ok. Till then.

Behave people.


posted by Muzaffar @ 8.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|


okokok. Today normal. Wake up late la. Late for school. WTH!! Have to run rounds. But nvm nvm. I fit what (macam paham). Then slept during english period. StayBack after school. Me, Muhaimin and Sam go make ninja warrior obstacle course. We make stage 1,2 and 3. We all pass the 3rd stage. Muhaimin pass the obstacle with a total timing of 42.0 seconds. Sam pass the obstacle with a timing of 40 something. I pass the course with a timing of 32.7 seconds. Baik ah. Then we waited for yuobari. So while we waiting we play gangster. Then we all prank yuobari. He was like so scared. Then we all take picture. (above).

In the picture (the last picture): muhaimin(extreme left), sam(center), me(extreme right), yuobari(sitted).

OK. Stay good people. Behave ah.

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posted by Muzaffar @ 8.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Monday, July 6, 2009


Woke up at 10am. Normal timing. Bathe, Eat breakfast and went straight to gym at 1pm. I thought Mr Lim never come. Then, i was really desperate for his number. Called Sam. Waited for him outside. Then saw Mr Lim. Wah. Lucky got kaki like him ah. He taught us a few things about our muscle groups. Mr Lim went off at 3.20pm because he got kick-boxing class. 4.30, me and sam went off. We walked from stadium to busstop. Then went seperate ways. He have to rush home. Then, i bought biscuit at a shop near block 401. I thought she will go down. Then she say she dont want. So walk in the rain. Walked home.

Stay good people.


posted by Muzaffar @ 6.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Okokok. Woke up at 10am. I think. Then, bathe and have to cook for my family. I cook nasi goreng and nuggets. Then, make teh tarik for family also. I am not praising myself but it taste nice. Really. Then, i bathe again at 12.30pm. Want to go GYM. Wohhoo. Suppose to meet sam at interchange (Boon Lay). Around 1.30pm reached interchange, my parents sent me(and Sam) go to Jurong West Stadium. Reach there. Went to look for Muhaimin. We work out from 1.53pm to 4.07pm. So i changed my clothes. It started to rain. Me,Muhaimin and Sam walked to the nearest 7-11 shop (not inside the stadium). So we were all wet. I bought the egg&cheese sandwich and a packet of keropok. Take 99 go home. OMG. Bloody cold. Somemore we wet. Torturing bus ride. All Sam's fault. Haiyo. No la. Muhaimin alight first. Then me. Poor Sam. Last to leave. Reach home, Brother also going out. He going to watch movie. I decide to stay. Now, i alone at home. Parents outside attending wedding.

OK. I think thats enough. Stay Good like me. Gone.


posted by Muzaffar @ 5.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My first post

OK. To people who dont know me. My name is Mohd Muzaffar. Schooling in yuhua secondary school. I hate that school. But i love my classmates. Age 14. Birthday 19.12.95. Hmmmm, somemore what you want to know about me? OK. Fyi, i am male. OK. I dont know what to say anymore. OK. I think thats enough.

posted by Muzaffar @ 4.7.09 |Post a Comment| 0 comments|